Technical glass
Technical glass
We ensure strong connection to wide range of industry and services through technical glass. Our products are in general used as a final industry products or semi-products thanks to excellent physical and chemical properties of borosillicate glass and unique glassmaking precise process.
Traditional delivery are to Pharmaceutical and Chemical industry, Research and Development, Health services, Education, Solar systems, Measurements, Packaging for food industry, Automotive and Textile fields, Building industries and many others.
You will find an additional value of company TECHNOSKLO s.r.o. in close relation to many industry branches and excellent know-how for glass technical production resulting to ability to customize of the resistant glass parts according to industry needs.
Our Research & Development department is ready to support your business requirements. Please see current trade references at left site as a example of routine cooperation.
Processing of technical glass allows us also to offer special type of sophisticated services and technology related to glass production. Our strong focus is in vacuum forming, glassblowing with highly skilled workers, drilling, cylindrically grinding, cutting, polishing, graduation and precise measuring.
We can achieve unique accuracy ot the market, which is ±0,005 mm.
Our customers are aware, how smart and beneficial can be cooperation with the experts for such a sophisticated industry parts. See please section OEM services or contact Sales department for detailed information.